Washington Career Development Association
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Economic Influences for Career Development Innovation

  • January 21, 2021
  • 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • Virtual (Zoom)

Are you looking for the latest updates and current impact of COVID-19 on the Southwest Washington economy?

Are you adjusting work practices and thinking of how to innovative in your career development work with clients?

We believe a current view of the regional economic conditions will properly inform our practice and service to clients. This is our opportunity to connect the dots, and innovate together. 

Meeting Outcomes

1. to better understand the current local (SW Washington) economic conditions and how they are impacting our regional communities 

2. to build a collaborative community with career development colleagues

3. to brainstorm and share career development strategies and innovative practices in order to more effectively serve our clients/students


Welcome and Introduction (10-10:15)

Economic Report - Scott Bailey (10:15-10:45)

Discussion (10:45-11:45)

  • Observations and impacts on organizations and job functions
  • Implications on career development practice and job seeker services
  • Brainstorming innovative practices 

WCDA Announcements/Survey (11:45-12:00)

Special Guest

Scott Bailey

Regional Economist

Employment Security Department, State of Washington

To Join Zoom

This is a virtual meeting and we will use Zoom as the meeting platform. About a week prior to the meeting, you will receive a Zoom meeting link with instructions for how to join on the day of the meeting. 

Clock hours for K-12 Educators

WCDA SW Chapter is partnering with ESD 112 to provide clock hours to K-12 career guidance practitioners and educators. For more information, contact Natalie Powell at natalie.powell@vansd.org.

Registration questions

If you have any difficulty with the event registration or questions about the event itself, please contact SW Chapter Coordinator Patrick Willis at pwillis@clark.edu. 

© Washington Career Development Association

Supporting career professionals in Washington by providing learning opportunities, developing community, and encouraging innovation

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